Wednesday, November 20, 2013

First Week of School - September 3, 2013

First Week in Our Classroom!!
I am so excited to meet you in school.

In this first week we will get to know each other.  Together we will review everything you will need to know to have a successful 7th grade.

Here are some things we will review -
Where will I sit?
Who do I sit with?
What if I need to use a restroom?
What if I missed school?
What supplies do I need?
and much more...

If you have questions bring them with you.  Together we will figure out how things work.

Welcome Middle School Math Students!

Welcome! 7th Graders! 
We are going to have a great year together.

I am glad you are here.  You will find many useful and important information in these pages.

Here are some ways you can connect with me
Phone: 222 333 4444
Talk: I will post times available every week

Will be posted daily with due dates.

Students will be assessed on their classwork, class participation, homework, homework quiz, unit tests and team work.
All assessments including missing assignments will be posted on our school website.  Parents can access their log in page here.  Students can access their log in page here.   

1. Respect Everyone
2. Be polite and useful
3. Be a learner

I will do my personal best to
1. send my child to school on time every unless he/she is ill.
2. see that my child has the necessary school supplies
3. attend at least two school functions such as Open house, Music program, Volunteer in the classroom, PTA committee
5. other

Parent/Guardeian Signaure:  _____________________________________ Date: ___________

I will do my personal best to 
1. be in class on time everyday
2. return my homework completed
3. follow the school and classroom rules
4. be respectful of others 
5. other

Student Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________

I will do my personal best to
1. provide a safe, caring environment where your child will continue to learn
2. provide a challenging curriculum
3. take into account individual strengths in children
4. keep you informed of your child's progress
5. other

Teacher Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _____________